In consideration of the guidance on the Local Government Transparency (2014) in the context of Tangmere Parish Council the following data will be published on an annual basis.
Expenditure –Individual items of expenditure exceeding £500 cumulative payments to single payees exceeding £500 and grants to voluntary committees and social enterprise organisations.
Payments above £500 – 01.04.23 to 31.03.24
Contracts – Information on any contract tendering with a value of over £5,000.
Asset Register – Details of Land & Building Assets held by the Council.
Borrowing – (PWLB) loan taken out to fund the extension to the Village Centre.
(Details of interest and repayments made in financial year 2023/24 can be found below)
02/10/23 Repayment £3639.69
02/10/23 Interest £1198.28