

In consideration of the guidance on the Local Government Transparency Code (2014) in the context of Tangmere Parish Council, the following data will be published on an annual basis:-

Expenditure – Individual items of expenditure exceeding £500; cumulative payments to single payees exceeding $500 and grants to voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations.

Contracts – Information on any contract tendering with a value of over £5,000.

Payment Summary and Contract Tendering – 01.04.22 to 31.03.23

Asset Register – Details of Land and Building Assets held by the Council.

Asset Register

Borrowing – Public Works Loan Board (PWLB) loan taken out to fund the extension to the Village Centre.

Detail of interest and repayments made in Financial Year 2022/23 can be found below:

PWLB Balance 31.3.2023