CIL Monitoring Report 2020/21

CIL Monitoring Report 2020/21

In accordance with Regulation 121B  of the Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations 2010 (as amended) the CIL Monitoring report for Tangmere Parish Council for the year 1 April 2020 to 31 March 2021 is published below:  (to download a copy of the document please click here).

Tangmere Parish Council

 CIL Monitoring Report (Regulation 121B) 1April 2020 – 31 March 2021 

Details (refer to note 1) £
CIL received for year 1 April 2020 – 31 March 2021

April 2020

October 2020




          Total CIL receipts for reported year (refer to note 1)


CIL received but not spent (refer to note 2) £
CIL receipts retained

April 2020- March 2021

April 2019- March 2020

April 2018- March 2019

April 2017- March 2018

April 2016- March 2017






          Total amount of unspent CIL receipts for reported years




Details of any notices received in accordance with regulation 59E (refer to note 3) £
The total value of CIL receipts subject to the aforementioned notices during the reported year April 2020- March 2021 0.00
The total value of CIL receipts subject to the aforementioned notices in any year that has not been paid to the relevant charging authority by the end of the reported year. 0.00
Total value of CIL receipts subject to aforementioned notices



CIL Spent (refer to note 4)

          Total CIL spent during April 2020 – March 2021


Summary of CIL expenditure during this reported year (refer to note 5):        
Project details :

Brief summary of project

Construction of a grass bund (earth bank) on the North and South boundaries of the Tangmere Recreation Field to deter vehicle incursions

IBP reference number if applicable

Identify which of the following criteria (A) or (B) ** the project meets

A.   The provision, improvement, replacement, operation or maintenance of infrastructure: or

B.   Anything else that is concerned with addressing the demands that development places on an area.

Total cost of project

CIL contribution to project

Details on any additional funding if required to complete the project

Project completed (yes or no)


















1.Regulation 121B 2(a) of the Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations 2010 (as amended) requires a local council to report the total CIL receipts for the reported year
2. Regulation 121B 2(e) of the Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations 2010 (as amended) requires a local council to report details of the total amount of:
(i) CIL receipts for the reported year retained at the end of the reported year; and
(ii) CIL receipts from previous years retained at the end of the reported year.
3. Regulation 121B 2(d) of the Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations 2010 (as amended) requires a local council to report details of any notices received in accordance with regulation 59Ei , including
(i) The total value of CIL receipts subject to notices served in accordance with regulation 59E during the reported year
(ii) The total value of CIL receipts subject to a notice served in accordance with regulation 59E in any year that has not been paid to the relevant charging authority by the end of the reported year.
4.Regulation 121B 2(b) of the Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations 2010 (as amended) requires a local council to report the total CIL expenditure for the reported year.
5. Regulation 121B 2(c) of the Community Infrastructure Regulations 2010 (as amended) requires a local council to provide a summary of CIL expenditure during the reported year including
(i) The items to which CIL has been applied; and
(ii) The amount of CIL expenditure on each item.

Regulation 121B (3) (a) the parish council must publish the report:
(i)      On its website;
(ii)     On Chichester District Council’s website if the parish council does not have a website;

Regulation 121B (3) (b) the parish council must send a copy of the report to Chichester District Council’s CIL Team, no later than 31 December following the reported year.

For further guidance on the CIL Regulations please refer to – Community Infrastructure Levy

i Regulation 59E covers notices served by Chichester District Council (CDC) on the City, Town or Parish Council requiring it to repay some or all of the CIL receipts where CDC believes some or all of the CIL received by the City, town or Parish Council has not been spent in accordance with the regulations as stated in Regulation 59C.