
Tangmere Strategic Development Location (SDL) – Community Update

As you may be aware, Chichester District Council’s Planning Committee approved the Outline planning application for the Tangmere Strategic Development Location (SDL) in 2021, which will bring forward up to 1,300 new homes, 30% being affordable, as well as a primary school and exciting new community and commercial facilities at Tangmere.  The Tangmere SDL site boundary is denoted by a ‘red line’.

Following the Planning Committee approval and discussions with National Highways, a minor variation has been identified between the ‘red line’ site in the planning application and the adopted highways boundary between the A27 roundabout and site boundary. As a result, we will be submitting revisions to the current planning application with an amended ‘red line’ site boundary to take this into account. This amendment will not change the existing scheme in any way and is purely a technical ‘red line’ site boundary change. If you have any questions, you can contact the team via or 0808 168 8296.