Council Members

01243 532505

Committees: Environment Committee and Finance Committee

Councillor Kate Beach

Kate was born in Yorkshire but spent the first 30 years of her life in London, she thinks of herself as a Londoner.

Kate worked for a wholesale jewellery firm in Hatton Garden becoming a precious stone buyer and travelling extensively. She married and moved to Selham in West Sussex where she raised her two daughters.

Kate joined West Sussex Library Service in 1989 and she worked for 20 years in Midhurst Library. Sadly her marriage broke down in 1992, from then and after several house moves Kate arrived in Tangmere in 2007. She retired in 2009 and joined the Parish Council she was also a founder member of Tangmere Community Garden.

Kate has been a life long member of the Labour Party and remains active in the City Branch of the Chichester Constituency. Kate describes herself as community minded and likes to try to be the eyes and ears of the village.


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